TFNaz Podcast

Episode 23 | Thomas and Our Doubts | April 19, 2023

Andy Albright and James Hardy Season 1 Episode 23

In the 23rd episode of the TFNaz Podcast, Andy and James reflect on the story of Thomas in John 20:24-31. Those reflections invite a conversation about doubts - are they wrong? Can they be helpful? What do they say about what we are really looking for?

Andy and James discuss what's happening in the passage and then reflect on their own questions and the ways that God has responded to them. 

In this episode, Andy and James both refer to John 20:24-31 and James reads verse 29. James also refers specifically to Luke 4:12. 

Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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